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Hollands Lane, Cheshire Full Planning Application for development of land between existing dwellings providing 3 detached dwellings with associated parking and access. Outline Planning Permission was previously granted for 2 two storey 4/5 bedroom detached dwellings. As such now that infill residential development use has been permitted...

Residential Barn, Oxton, Wirral A Barn renovation transforming the existing building to provide design studios. This involved the change of use from the existing garage workshop use (B2) to office use (B1). As the buildings fell within the Oxton Conservation area strict guidelines were imposed by the...

Hollands Grove, WirralThis project involved extensive remodelling of the existing dwelling with a rear extension with roof terrace/balcony. The existing entire  roof was to be replaced, also new glazed curtain walling and feature projecting boxes were introduced providing a new palette of contemporary materials.The property...

Fender Way, Wirral Development to regenerate a vacant site providing 14 new town-house dwellings. The design of the dwellings challenges the way houses are designed by utilising new and contemporary building materials and providing various architectural features. The houses provide spaces that go beyond the typical traditional style...

Birch Road, WirralThis project included the extension and remodelling of the existing Bungalow property with a new bungalow dwelling constructed to the land at the rear.The remodeling and extension works would provide open plan living/dining with ancillary uses at ground floor with a feature glazed...

Caldy Wood, WirralThe architectural brief was to remodel and extend the existing dwelling better connecting it with its surrounding landscape. The designs looked to improve the internal configuration and provide more proportioned and balanced room layouts more in keeping with the rest of the dwelling.Essentially...